So imagine this its just a normal day in Iraq the sun is out and you decide to go into the MWR (Moral Welfare and Recreation) to check your email. It takes about 20 minutes to check your email and then its time for lunch. You decided to walk to the DFAC. As you are walking outside the sky is dark as all hell and you notice that a sand storm is coming. Which normally is not a big deal. So as you are walking to the DFAC you notice that there is a big orange and brown clown moving toward you. Out of nowhere like a ninja come a 2nd Lt running, as he passes he says "i would start running if i were you" . Like a Hollywood movie you all look to your left at the same time and see this big ass cloud of dust and dirty coming toward you. Needless to say you started to run, and like a Hollywood movie you didn't make it. Now you have been in allot of sand storms and seen allot, but this one just sucked. When you got to the DFAC all three of you were covered from head to toe in dust and it felt like someone poured a vacum bag over your head and in your mouth. Also just like a Hollywood movie after lunch the sky is clear and no sign of the storm.
EMBRACE THE SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!