So they put out the information the other day that we should be back in the states and in our homes by mid May. That was the best news that i have been given since we got here. Ever though we are stating to gear down and get ready to go home the next 10 weeks here will be the hardest and most dangerous. Te first two months and the last two are normally the hardest.
We still have a few months to go and since i am one of the lead instructor. My crew and i will be on the road until the last mission. Which sucks, but what ever it takes to get out of here. Soon i will start trying to make the plans for when i get home and back to work (something i'm looking forward to). I'm sure Sarah Adam or Rick will plan a party somewhere for the big homecoming. Please guys limit the amount of drinks its been a long time.
Why we gotta limit the drinks?
ok game on then
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