Thursday, March 13, 2008

The snake effect

So since things are starting to come to an end there are a series of task that have to be completed before we can get out of here. The army physical fitness test is one of these tasks. The APFT is use to measure the fitness of a soldier in a series of events (push-ups, sit ups. and two mile run). This test is given twice a year to help evaluate the physical fitness of soldiers. All of the NCO's (Sergent's) had to take the test a week prior to everyone else. While administering the test to our soldiers we found this little guy chillin by the side of the road. At first no one noticed him and we kept on walking, then one of the guys said hey look there. After a few seconds of looking at the little guy we figured that he was a baby sand viper......kinds like the one that chased me a few months earlier but a hell of allot smaller. We spent a few minutes looking at the little guy and then finished administering the test. After the test we walked back over and he was gone.

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