Since i have been back from leave everything that i have touched or been around that is electronic has died or come to life. Once i got back from leave i started to have problems with my laptop. At first it was the USB devices were not working and then the started to work again. Soon after that the my computer would only come on when it wanted to. I though that the computer was on its last leg, so i decided to backup all the data. I was right no less then two days later my laptop died. I had to call Toshiba and send it back to the states (which took 45 minutes on the phone and a 18 day travel time to get back).
That was only the start in less then 4 days everything started dying. Both of my external hard drives died and when i say died i mean worked one minute then starting ticking the next (not a good sound). We have computers in our vehicles which are one of the many forms of communication. The FBCB2 in my Vehicle was fried by the Como SGT while performing an upgrade. The Siren box that i used to help move traffic out of the way started to work when it wanted to. Sometimes it worked and other times it sounded like a screaming sheep (not a pleasant sound). Two weeks later i found out the problem was from a bad ground. On our way back from a mission my Go-Lights which i use to search the area around us started to become posted and started to turn on and off and move on there own also. Two days later my radios died and i was not able to transmit. ( Not a good thing in a combat zone). In all the gremlins lasted about three weeks, most of the problems were due to grounds or electronic devices failing. But it was still a long three weeks.
1 comment:
Geez! Stay out of MY commo shop, man!
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