Hello every one!!
Well it’s that time of year the holidays are here and it just seems like another day. It’s funny we have been here for almost four months now. The days are easy sometimes and hard others. I have seen people smile, cry and be marveled at the things that happen here. Relationships have grown strong and engagements have crashed like a burning plane. It’s hard to relate to people back home, just because it hard to put things in a perspective people can understand. It’s hard going through the weeks not being able to talk about things. Seeing your life change, but you’re not a part of it.
Thanksgiving was a little different. There was lots of turkey but it was from a can so it made things a little interesting. We were off Thanksgiving Day and I ate like a pig. The next day we went to another FOB and they blew a bridge on the route with a VBIED (Vehicle Born Improvised Explosive Device). No one was hurt, but we were stuck at the other FOB for 5 days. Which was fun the first two days then it got boring.
In less than two weeks I should be on a plane home for my two weeks off. My cell phone is still on so I will try to catch up with people on the phone. I really don’t plan on spending my days visiting to many of my friends. I love you guys but family first, and to be honest Sarah has supported me the most and deserves a lot of my time. I should be back by the 31st so feel free to call
Anyways a friend asked me a few emails ago what it is like in a day of a soldier in Iraq. So I will take the time to tell you how a typical day would unfold.
0600 Wakeup: Take the time to make any phone calls that I have to make to the states (10pm eastern time) Call my girl friend and anyone else. Personal hygiene
0730 Gym: Go to the gym and do our normal weight lifting routine then to
0830 breakfast: pineapples two bowls of cereal and two bottles of cranberry juice. Watch the news form the day prior in the states.
0900 hygiene: shower if there is water if not get ready for PMCS (Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services)
1000 Training: classes anything from ASV training to Medical classes
1130 lunch: The same thing every day Salad oil and Vinegar, turkey sandwich, pickles on the side and to containers of apple juice
1230 PX: walk through (checking for new movies or magazines)
1330 PLT meeting discuss any issues or problems (always boring as hell)
1430 NCO paper work: counseling, NCOERS
1530 Back to the Gym and run 6 to 12 miles
1730 Dinner Whatever is good. Mainly grilled chicken salad oil and vinegar 2 containers of apple juice and Ice cream every other Friday
1830 call home again if I didn’t talk to anyone before check my email
1930 mission prep PCC (pre combat checks)and PCIs(pre combat inspections) packing gear for the next mission pack for at least 4 days any snacks and charge my IPOD.
2030 personal time
2030 personal time
Well that’s all I have to say for now. I cannot wait to get out of here. Station 14 and 26 I will be stopping by while I am home, just not sure when. Laura email me girl we need to catch up. Adam and Rich what’s the word????????????
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