Tuesday, January 8, 2008

MOB training

Well Well!!!!!!!

So to start off the army sucks ass!!!!

Things are finally starting to get into full swing here. Last week was a easy week and things are starting to ramp up. Since we arrived here a weeks a half ago. Since then I have:

taken a APFT army physical fitness test (push ups sit-ups and a two mile run)P.S. I'm not in shape

received a smallpox and anthrax vaccinethese shots suck ass!!!!!!!!!!!

3 mile road marchwell they told us 3 and it ended up being 4

administered two pee test ( which suck ass, wakeup was a 330 am on those two days)thank god

i didn't have to watch. Its all about the labels!!

assistant instructor in a first aid class (we learned how to do needle decompression) something i will not ever let these guys perform on me

spent a total of about 60 + hours in briefingsdeath by power-point.

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