Things are going well here in the middle east … or at least as well as they can go. Its been more then a month since I sent out my last email to everyone. Its really hard to find time to send out a email or to get on the internet. Due to security reasons there is a limitation to the things that I can talk about. Most of the crazy stories will be saved for those late nights out with friends or those long boring nights at the station once I'm home. The missions that t we have done to date some have been short sometimes and others are very long. I think that our longest mission to day was 22 hours. The Shortest mission so far was a small two hours. Its hard to imagine all that time spent sitting in a vehicle. With your butt going numb from the thin cushion seats. The only good thing is that I'm in a ASV. The AC is colder then an Arctic day , the armor is great, but the leg room is like riding in a clown car. So I can guess that you can imagine that a long trip in vehicle suck.
The local people in Iraq seem to be nice. We really don't have to much contact with the local people due to the nature of our mission. Unless its passing out candy or water. Whenever these convoy go through a town the people of the town even the kids are waving hi, throwing up the peace sign of two thumbs up. I'm not sure this is a hi for help or just a hi for candy. Some of the units are allowed to pass out candy to the people, but for most of us its not allowed. The IP (Iraq Police and Iraq Army) and IAs are the main security force in the country next to us. They are nice and they always ask for water when we pass through there check points. Its crazy to be here and hear all of the horror story's on the new. Most of the things that happen in the news are blown way out of proportion so it seems the be twenty times worst then it is. In all its not that bad here, but no matter what its still dangerous as all hell. A few weeks ago we had a chance to see what things are like outside of Baghdad, and I would rather not make that trip again. So far we have been all over the northern part of the country. Due to security reasons I can't say where.
I guess I will split the rest of this email in to three parts the good , the bad , and the what the fuck.
The good:
The weather is great.
The food is even better
The Turkish worker here are interesting
I love the care packages its like Halloween year round
We get a chance to go to the other Fob's to compare the PX (Past Exchange/ Wal-mart for the army)
The group of guys under me are great
The people are nice inside and outside of the wire.
Having people wash our clothes for us. That's a gift and a curse
The bad:
Yes the weather is good during the day, but its starting to get cold as shit at night. Cold being 70
Everywhere you go it smells like a porter potty aka SHITTY IRAQ
The rainy season is about to come and when it rains it rains. They say it will rain for about 3 to 4 weeks straight.
IRF I can't say what it is but trust me it sucks.
Life without WAWA
The what the fuck:
Iraq is a poor country but why do you have to buy gas from a jug.
Showers: I'm sure I said this in my last email but having a limitation on the amount of water that you can use just sucks.
Cows: A dairy Cow riding in the back of a pick up. I guess that's how they transport there live stock.
Kids: Bad ass little kids everywhere (yes the same ones from the candy statement above)
Sheep: Why there are sheep all over the desert I have no clue but there all over
Donkeys: There like deer here they are everywhere.
Sand storm: I hate the sand. Its like someone taking a vacuum bag and throwing it in your face then down your cloths.I just want to say
Thank you to everyone that has or is in the process of sending a care package letters, funny emails and face book jesters.
Medic 7 I have a crazy story for you guys, but I have to send that in a separate email.
Dana how's the new shift? Sorry I never got a chance to write you back. Beth sorry I haven't emailed you I will soon before I left.
Milki I will respond to your email soon.
Joe thanks for the fire fighter link to u tube.
Michelle I have the bracelet that you wanted. Its not a green one its in deserts colors, just email me your address.
Rich have you picked a day for your wedding yet LOL!! and you have no idea how much the hard drive helped.
Laura sorry about the other day things got a little busy but, I will call you soon.Brian I'm still working on a AI to swoop patches with Adam well I will call you soon.
Sarah my love thanks for all of the cards packages and the love
Justin why is your new email deer slayer. Last I checked you haven't killed a deer in a few years.Thank you everyone